Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Officially it's the Thai New Year. Unofficially it's an excuse to have the world's most giagantic water fight. Everyone, from the tiny child grinning from behind a water gun to, I kid you not, the local policeman, in full uniform, throwing a bucket of water on the bus, gets involved.

Kao San road becomes a massive insane jumble of wall to wall people armed with water guns of all sizes, buckets, water bottles, cups - basically anything that will throw water. Street sellers line the streets seilling water bottles (2 for 5 baht), water guns, and clay, along with Pad Thai, banana pancakes, and other food. You are pushed along by the massive crowds - shot at from every side, sometimes hot, sometimes icy cold water - as well as hands reaching out to smear clay all over you, you can't go a foot without eager hands touching you with clay. Not sure why, it must have something to do with the New Year celebration.

I grabbed a couple water bottles and joined in the fun, attacking a few small children, pushing back a bowl of water into a suprised grinning face of a would be attacker. Splashing water on a bully with a giant water gun attacking passerbys. All good clean fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like your kind of party, Jul! Wow what fun!:)

April 17, 2008 at 4:55 AM 

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