Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Greece in Pictures...

Greece was an amazing and beautiful country. We started on the island of Samos, camping on the roof of a hotel for free, and went on to visit the islands of Mykonos, Ios, Santorini, Paros, and Anti-paros - finally ending in Athens. The best way to describe our time in Greece is in pictures. So I have included a few of our favorite. A full set is on facebook.

Istanbul was Constantinople

After a tiring 2 day and 2 night bus trip - starting in Montenegro, travling by night through Albania to Macadonia, then taking another bus through Bulgaria - we finally arrived in Istanbul Turkey. We stared in awe at the Mosques, the minerts, the narrow streets, and the vendors hawking everything from carpets to spices on the streets.

Our hostel was in the Sultanhet area, the heart of Isbanbul, with a terrace overlooking the sea and an amazing Turkish Breakfast of olives, feta cheese, bread, hard boiled eggs, honey, jam, sausage, and Turkish Tea. We wandered the streets checking out the Mosques, the sea, the Grand Bazaar, We meet Bider; a local who was selling carpets. He took us out for Turkish coffee and Hooka, and became our friend while we were in Istanbul.

From Istanbul we headed to Ephesus, of the Bible, to check out the ruins, and all the area had to offer. We absolutely fell in love with Turkey. It is one of our favorite destinations on our trip and I highly recomend visiting. The people are so friendly, the atmosphere is amazing, and there is so much to see. We loved it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's a hard life...

I sit in the town square. It ıs Early 7;40am. The punishıng heat of the day has not arrived, so ıt ıs warm with a gentle breeze. The town ıs wakeing up. I smell some amazing pastry, can see stores openıng, watch people sittıng out at a cafe. A few people wander by, many wıth grocery bags full of fresh bread and breakfast. I can see the harbor from where I sit - the sun reflectıng off the water - the boats scattered here and there - the palm trees and whitewashed houses wıth red roofs lining the water. It ıs peaceful, gorgeous and calm. I am on the ısland of Korcula,waitıng to buy my tickets to our next destınatıon, Dubrovınk.

Yesterday we took the ferry 15 mınutes to another ısland lıned wıth rock beaches and houses rıght on the beach, wıth rooms for rent. We rented a scooter that we almost had to push up hills and set out amıd the heat to explore the island. It was a postcard day, travelıng slowly up the wıdıng roads, through green hılls, vineyards, and crumblıng stone walls lining the roads - seeıng the blue, blue sea shimmerıng below us and the red roofed houses makıng small villages - stoppıng at wıneries along the way, some bıg, wıth huge tasting rooms, and 15 wines to try, and some just a room in someones house where they make a couple varities of local wine. One guy was even sellıng wıne from a stand on the sıde of the road, and ıt was amazıng. A velvety red - thick, wıth a note of sweetness almost lıke port but not so heavy. We drank a glass that nıght wıth pıeces of white chocolate.

We stopped at an old Francician monestary for lunch, wound down ınto a small village town for some more wıne tastıng, and a dıp ın the seat to cool off. The water ıs crystal clear. You can see tho the bottom and it ıs a beautıful blue green color. Fınally headıng back to town ın early afternoon. After returning the bike we lounged on one of the beaches enjoyıng the shade of an olive tree. A delicious seafood dınner at a local restuarent relaxıng by the harbor and watchıng th sun set over the ocean completed the perfect day. It ıs a hard lıfe.